Have you been told by your primary care doctor to take some painkillers and come back in a few weeks? . . . OR just rest and take it easy for a few weeks?
If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone - and we hear this all the time. In fact, hip and knee Pain are the most common problem that we treat.
And when it comes to living with hip and knee pain, everybody we see wants to know
Most people think that when they get hip or knee Pain, the pain is going to go away on its own. That they’ll wake up one morning and like “magic”, it’ll be as if it never happened. Keeping taking painkillers and/or muscle relaxants to ease the pain out but it doesn’t go away month after month
Maybe you are confused because you’ve been told different things, by different people. Maybe you think you have to live with this pain all your life and just give up? .
If you don’t know what you’re doing – hip or knee pain can be very confusing and because of this, many people just end up accepting it as ‘part of life’ - as if it’s normal, and ‘just the way it is’.
If any of these have happened to you - we would love to help you by inviting, you to book a call to talk with us to find out what can we do be to help you. The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things, means that we know what doesn’t work - which means we are closer to finding what DOES. Click the link below to book a call with us if you would like to get some solid advice