Will Retirement be harmful to health?

At first the fantasy of doing nothing on a beach for 2 weeks seems great. But secretly many people get to a point even before the 14 days are up when they begin to think that they want to get back home. And it’s because doing nothing other than sleeping, eating and drinking doesn’t always make you feel great as the holiday was intended.

Ever noticed after the holiday how long it takes to switch your brain back on at work or how long it takes to get going again n simple fitness regime? So if 14 days is perhaps just too long of a period to do nothing what would it be like with 20+ years of inactivity?. Let’s face it the honeymoon with retirement ends very soon and people feel void. Either you’re retired or planning to, this void feeling or loneliness is a ghost that threatened our lives and our relationships.

Grandparents feel that grandkids are ignoring them or always on the phone, grandkids feel their grandparents are not understanding or not leveling up with them. The only way to this cycle to be broken is to be active and always be occupied with the grandkids activities.

It’s easy to say keep up with the grandkids and all that good stuff if you don’t have chronic back, neck and knee pain that’s always the objection I got when I talk with my patients.

So the root cause of the LONLINESS problem for all grandparents starts with their health.

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